Fragrant Petals
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It is said that the Supreme Being is beyond thought and speech. It is our good fortune that the Supreme Being assumed a human form and came down as Bhagavan Sri Ramana and allowed us to love him and praise him. He opened the floodgates of Grace to anyone who came to him and he is still there “waiting for us patiently and it is we who make him wait.” The sorrows of the distressed who gave themselves unto him, the doubts of earnest seekers, the disbelief of the sceptics who came to test him, vanished in the mere presence of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. His sacred abode conferred peace and showed man the true path. It does so still. This anthology is a small collection of articles written by those who basked in the sunshine of his boundless Grace. Thus page after page we find that Ramana’s devotees, record with deep emotion and profound gratitude, the experiences which they had in his presence.