We deliver the products ordered from our bookstore in excellent condition and in the fastest time possible. Once your order has been placed, you will receive a confirmation email with shipment tracking info. Generally speaking, items will be dispatched, stock permitting within 48 hours of the order being placed.

Orders placed within India are shipped through India Post services (https://www.indiapost.gov.in) and in some cases by the professional courier (https://www.tpcindia.com). Turn Around Time (TAT) and shipping charges vary from one logistics partner to another. This is generally around 2-3 days for south Indian locations, 3-4 days for Metros and 4-5 days for places in North India. However it may take around seven days for Northeast Indian locations after the dispatch of the order.

You are responsible for your order once the package arrives at the supplied delivery address. It is not always necessary for the cardholder to sign for any items ordered. We cannot be held responsible if the package goes missing once delivered. If any goods are received faulty or damaged you must advise us as per the refund policy.

Orders placed outside of normal business hours (after 5.30 pm), will be processed on the next available business day. There might be a delay in shipment of the orders which are placed especially during national holidays and festivals.

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