Commentary on Anuvada Nunmalai - VOL. 2
This, the third and final volume, comprises of the English translation of Smt. T.R. Kanakammal's commentary in Tamil on adaptations by Bhagavan from Bhagavad Gita and a few compositions of Sankara - works of renown in Sanskrit. It is not a matter of surprise or wonder that the forty-two verses selected from the Bhagavad Gita, strung in sequence and set to Kalivenba metre in chaste Tamil by Bhagavan, highlight his core teaching that Self-Enquiry and Surrender (including that of the surrenderer) are the only two ways to salvation. The translation of the Sanskrit word 'buddhi yoga' in verse 19 of the selections into 'Sat-buddhi yoga' in Tamil and further as "Yoga of Enquiry" in English by Bhagavan himself makes it abundantly clear that this path, encompassing all other paths is the final and inescapable toll-gate which, levying the toll of individuality, thrown open the doors to Immortality.
The deft introduction of various epithets in place of uniform refrains in the other works reemphasizes the nature of the Atman riveting our attention to It repeatedly. These and the dexterous use of link words in Gita Saram and Anma Bodham atonce enrich and expand the content making them more than mere translations.
This volume provides detailed meaning of the verses together with a commentary on each of them and it is hoped that devotees no so well conversant with Tamil will profit from this translation by 'KAYS'.