At the Feet of Bhagavan
The writings and reminiscences of older devotees of Sri Bhagavan assume great importance.
Precious indeed are the records left by those to whom the Master showed his Grace. Fortunately for us, such sincere devotees have come forward to share that experiences with their Master, by putting them down in words.
About The Author
T.K. Sundaresa Iyer’s life itself is a dedication to the spiritual quest ans as such, is worth emulating by earnest seekers. He paid his first visit to Sri Bhagavan in 1908. Although materially poor, Sundaresa Iyer had ample spiritual wealth, which he shared with fellow devotees, devoting much of his time in service to the Ashram.
Product Details
Leaves from the diary of a devotee who lived most of his life with Sri Maharshi. pp112