Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi said, “Everyone can be a devotee. Spiritual fare is common to all and never denied to anyone - be the person old or young, male or female.”
We are not confined to the vessel of our bodies. In awakening to our true essence, we dissolve the myriad forms of diversity into the boundless unity of the Self, where all paths meet and all hearts beat as one. This is the singular Heart, infinite and indivisible. For those rooted in the Self, equanimity flows without end, serene and all-encompassing.
Bhagavan’s grace extended to all of creation. Under his luminous gaze, every soul found gentle guidance towards the ultimate realization of the Self. These remarkable encounters echo Bhagavan’s sacred teachings, preserving the radiance of his presence. This book is a delicate garland of spiritual lives, portraying with beauty and depth, for the first time, the journeys of the women devotees of Bhagavan as they sought and found the path to Self-realization. May Bhagavan shower his grace on all of us like he did for these women.